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Guarding The Community

All our security guard services can be arranged on an ongoing basis or as a once-off.

Security guards are also available if you are hosting an event and require street patrols for the day or evening so as to ensure the safety of guests and cars.

Residents within a particular street may decide to pool their resources and place a guard at the entrance of their street.

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Peace of mind for you, your family or your business.

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Security guards report suspicious criminal activity.

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Security guards prevent criminals with their presence.

At ProSafe Security we pride ourselves in the caliber of our guards. All our employees are carefully screened and well trained to ensure a high standard of service professionalism and the safety of the people we protect. Furthermore our policy of looking after staff makes us a magnet for the best in the industry.

From individual homes to lifestyle estates, small exclusive shopping centres to large shopping malls, office blocks or event, ProSafe has the capacity and capability of keeping you safe.

Need a CPO for an event?

All of our Close Protection Officers (CPO’s) are registered and qualified according to the Private Security Regulating Authority (PSIRA) prescribed grading system.

To ensure ProSafe Security only employs qualified expert CPO personnel, all CPO’s are vetted by agreeing to an extensive background check in order to verify citizenship, criminal record status, and qualification validity, they also have to undergo a polygraph test as well as practical exam to measure fitness and firearm capabilities. We  pride ourself on taking every measure to ensure our team is highly trained, discreet, professional and certified.

Request a Guard

Are you an existing ProSafe Client?
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Peace of Mind, Every Hour, Every Day

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Security Cameras

Security guard services

The high visibility and awareness of active guarding have been proven to be a preventative layer in community security. Security guard services provide additional pairs of eyes and ears, and over time, become aware of unfamiliar vehicles and pedestrians. They are in direct contact with our control centre and have the ability to call in for backup when required.

Security guards also benefit the community by:

  • Deterring criminals with their presence.

  • Providing you and your family with a sense of safety.

  • Standing watch while you go for a run.

  • Acting as a reporting mechanism if they suspect criminal activity.

Contact Us

ProSafe Protection Products CC

2 South Main Reef Road,  New Era, Springs

011 362-5590 EXT 222

SAIDSA Accredited

© 2016 by ProSafe Protection Products. 

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